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What is Automated Penetration Testing and How Does It Help? - 1

What is Automated Penetration Testing and How Does It Help?

  1. What is automated penetration testing?
  2. How it works
  3. Benefits of automated pen testing
  4. Automated pen testing vs. human pen testing: an efficient alternative or a collaborative tool?
  5. Checklist for automated penetration testing
  6. Tools for automatic penetration testing
  7. The future of automated penetration testing
  8. Conclusion

According to recent cybersecurity reports, over 25,000 websites are infiltrated daily, and every 39 seconds, a new attack Is attempted. A RedScan analysis on vulnerability trends suggests that 50 new vulnerabilities were reported every day in 2020. We could go on and on; the cyber threats statistics are not just mind-boggling but scary.

But that is not the focal point.

With the increasing cases of cyber-attack, more than ever before, the digital world needs efficient penetration testing services and procedures that would simulate attacks in real-time and can easily be updated to reflect newer attack strategies and vulnerabilities, thereby forestalling real attacks.

Penetration testing can be done manually, automatically, or by a combination of both. Our concern in this post is automated penetration testing, its benefits, applicability, and efficiency in protecting against cyber-attacks and vulnerabilities.

What is automated penetration testing?

It is often required that internet-based services and platforms conduct penetration tests to ensure their system’s security and sustain a minimum standard of quality assurance and quality user experience. This is done by deliberately hacking or manipulating the system to probe the security level and check if any existing vulnerabilities may be a vehicle of exploitation.

Usually, these penetration tests are carried out by pen test professionals with the assistance of other specialists. This test procedure is now known as manual penetration testing. The long duration and acute attention required in manual testing became too stressful and time-consuming. This led to the development of automated tools and procedures to make pen testing more efficient.

Penetration Testing Services
Don’t Give Scammers a Chance!

In summary, automated network penetration testing uses automated tools and the adoption of automated processes to execute pen tests. For example, rather than going through lines of codes to check for errors, a scanner can be deployed to scan through the codes in a short time.

Read our blog post for the indicators that may point to your company’s need for automation testing.

How it works

In automated pen testing, digital tools and software execute the tasks human testers would have normally done. These tools imitate a tester’s action or a user’s action depending on the test needs. When prompted for execution, the auto tool connects to the network system and explores the infrastructure by performing a general scan. 

The scan directs the tool to its scope of duty. Of course, one tool or test program may not handle all the test needs; you may need to deploy various tools with different functions for different test purposes.

For example, suppose an automated tool is developed to check the GUI and frontend user function. In that case, the tool, after a general scan, begins to probe the necessary details as it concerns the GUI and user function like logging in. After which, a relative attack or exploitation (like a brute force attack) is simulated. 

Pen test auto tools are developed to act as intruding agents using the most recent hack techniques, but their behavioral delivery is in a human tester mode. They are developed to act like a human tester would normally do using the same metrics and steps.

Does this imply that auto pen testing tools are sufficient and can replace human testers?  Well, this question would be answered in subsequent sections of this article.

Learn the key distinctions between penetration testing and vulnerability scanning so you can decide when to use each test.

Benefits of automated pen testing

Automated penetration testing offers numerous benefits to a tester or organization. Here are a few outlined below.

Saves time

Timing remains one of the arguments favoring automatic testing; in fact, it is not an argument but a fact. Automated tools reduce the penetration testing time frame by a significant margin. In the same vein, reports are compiled almost instantly after a test is completed. This is obtainable with manual testing; in some cases, a compilation of reports may take several days to weeks manual testing.

Executes multiple tests at the same time

One major advantage of automation testing is multi-tasking. An automated test tool can run two tests at the same time. Unlike manual tests, where the tester has to focus on one aspect per time to avoid errors.

Promotes the correct test frequency

Automated tools function such that a test can be replicated as often needed, sometimes multiple times a day. This enables testers to always be on top of security and vulnerability issues within the system. Also, you can always check the efficiency of functionalities as soon as a change is introduced into the system.

Eliminates stress and increase productivity

With automated testing, testers and developers are less stressed and can direct their energy into other projects and tasks that require human attention or be on the lookout for more sophisticated intrusion.

Easily updatable

You can easily update many automatic tools to reflect recent pen-testing procedures and detect newer intrusion models. This is possible through an OTA update made available by the developers or by downloading updates scripts. It may take a human tester more time to get acquainted with recent knowledge in the pen testing field.

Before you begin automation testing, learn about its advantages and disadvantages for your projects.

Automated pen testing vs. human pen testing: an efficient alternative or a collaborative tool?

Automated testing has gained significant attention and adoption in recent years. Most developers and testers employ the use of automated tools to promote efficiency and save time. The benefits of these tools are numerous, but the pertinent question is if automated penetration tools can be an alternative to human testers.

Well, maybe in the future, but in the present, the answer is an emphatic no. Though auto testers make the job a lot easier, they are yet to be fully developed to a stage of complete independence. In some cases, a human tester is still required to set up the tool, interpret the log results and implement solutions.

Also, automated tools are still limited in test scope and applicability. Not every test function can be carried out by an automated tool. For instance, while an automated tool may be perfect for running regression tests and analysis, it definitely cannot handle exploratory tests. 

A regression test checks the efficiency of existing functionalities, exploratory testing checks for anticipated and unexpected results when new functionality is added to the system. Automated tools cannot yet handle this. Exploration testing requires the experiential and analytical skills of the tester.

Presently, automation is still limited in the area of user-experience testing. For example, visual elements and placements of tabs and menu. Real user feedback remains appropriate and needed for QA. 

We know you would want to raise the argument of human errors and negligence, but don’t forget automated tools are prone to bugs and technical faults.

This is not a comparison of which is better, but an exposition that automatic testing and human testing should work collaboratively for efficient and better results. You can read this post to learn more about the differences between automation and manual testing.

Checklist for automated penetration testing

Here are a few things to consider before employing an automated tool for your penetration testing.

  1. Identify your test needs

The first thing to do is to identify what sort of test you need to execute on your system and to what extent the test should be carried out; this should depend on the use and need of the system. The test required for an internet banking platform, for example, would undoubtedly differ and may necessitate a more rigorous process than that required for a school portal. 

  1. Identify test methods

The next thing is to identify the appropriate test method that best suits your needs. It may be automated, manual, or a combination of both.

  1. Schedule a test date

Draw up a timeline for your testing activity. Frequently, penetration testing would require engaging in different activities over some time. To meet your time target and not overstress the system, it is best to schedule testing activities.

  1. Identify the appropriate test tools

There are various automated tools by different developers in the market for penetration testing; some may be more sophisticated than others. Some offer different services from others, and some tools may be selective to certain operating systems. The ideal thing is to acquire a tool based on your unique needs and your system’s structure.

  1. Determine the required test frequency

It is also important to determine the required test frequency; this could be an industry standard or a professional choice. Whichever one, determining a periodic retest time and sticking to it is important.

  1. Prepare the resources to store and record results

This is a very important part of a penetration test; you need to have records of test results for the present. These reports could also act as a guide in the future.

Tools for automatic penetration testing

Here are 6 of our favorite automation penetration testing tools.

Web Application Attack and Audit Tool (W3AF)

The W3AF is a multi-functional tool that can probe a system for security lapses, create an attack, and reveal frailties and vulnerabilities. These three major functionalities work independently and interdependently to execute a pen-test. The W3AF comprises various tools that make it an efficient pen-test tool. 


The Metasploit is widely argued to be the best and more advanced pen test tool by some industry experts. This assertion is generally unverified and may be disputed by some alternatives; notwithstanding, it remains one of the best for penetration testing.

The Metasploit is not just a tool but a suite of various necessary tools needed for a successful penetration test. When activated, it executes various kinds of cyber-attacks. 

It is built to be adaptive, and its functionalities ensure that it is a suitable tool for almost every kind of pen-testing.

CORE Impact

Although quite expensive, reviews and pen test specialists reveal that the CORE impact provides value for its high cost. It is a fully automated suite, and it comprises different tools for an effective penetration test. 

You can use CORE Impact on a mobile device, network testing, password cracking test, amongst other security check protocols. 

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

The OWASP has developed various penetration testing and security assessment tools. Although these tools are independent from one another, they can be combined and used together. Some of the individual tools developed by OWASP are multi-functional and may be enough to serve your needs.

Some popular tools from OWASP


Acunetix is a completely automated web security tool that can inspect different web applications and pages for various vulnerabilities. It is suitable for all variations of XSS and SQL injections. One of the major advantages of this tool is its fully automated process and the ability to deliver accurate results in real-time. Acunetix can be used for various CMS systems, HTML, one-page applications, and JavaScript.

Burp suite

Burp suite may not be as extensive as some of the above-listed tools; however, it is an effective tool as many industry experts refer to it as a ‘must-have’ tool while carrying out penetration testing. Burp Suite works on multiple operating systems.

Recommended: For a complete set of guidelines and tools for automating tests, see our post on test automation framework.

The future of automated penetration testing

No doubt, automated penetration tests have been hugely beneficial, but there are still shortcomings and a huge gap to be covered. Automation is still very far from its perceived abilities. Currently, automation is still limited in operation and applicability. Automated tools need to be developed to have wider coverage and become more user-friendly.

AI and ML changing the narrative

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are fascinatingly changing the world, and pen testing is not left out. Already, developers are deploying machine learning technology to make pen test tools more efficient and increase their applicability coverage. 

Lisa Crispin, the co-author of the Cybersecurity book Agile Testing Condensed and cyber expert, declares that AI promotes continuous and smarter testing hence should be fully adopted. According to cybersecurity expert Diego Lo Giudice, the future of testing is Intelligent or the application of AI. He further states that testers must adopt automation more, and automation must rely more on AI and ML.


Although we have highlighted the benefits and features of automatic pen testing, we do not discredit or disapprove of manual penetration testing. Manual testing still has a huge role in pen testing as the automatic alternative is still limited in scope and applicability. But the quickness and recurrence of cyber-attacks in recent times demands a faster pen testing procedure that automation offers. Here’s a post on the average penetration testing price. Consider checking it out to get an idea of how much pen tests actually cost.

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